To have a real sense of my Lords presence! Lord, You are God, You are everywhere present! This work that You have called me too, would lead me to despair, if I did not know that You were near and that You really care.So, to know that You are by my side, brings joy I know is real and peace to know I’m not alone and service with new zeal!
To know God’s direction for my life day by day! If I was a man without a compass, the right way I would not know! But, God’s Word is my Director, so onward I will go. I dare not trust my feelings, my fears, my daily doubts. I will instead trust in His Word and leave the worry out!
To love God with all my heart and others as myself! To love Him! How can it be? I am prone to wander. Oh, how I feel it! Prone to leave the God I love! And to love Him with all my heart—–? My wandering heart! How wretched I am! A changed heart but a wandering heart? How can it be? Gentle Shepherd, break my heart as your’s was broken, unrequited love nailed to a tree, sacrificing all for others, Your heart transformed in wandering me!
To overcome this feeling of total failure in my spiritual life! Success is, at least from an emotional, temporal perspective, an illusive reverie, and something to be sought after in the physical realm. If it could be achieved here, what eternal purpose would it serve? If on earth, the Just are to live by their faith, then, what place does earthly feeling and temporal failure have in my life? Especially in view of the fact that in eternity I will be measured, not by that which is physical, but, by His omniscient standard and not by my human failure and inadequacy!
To see someone totally converted to Christ! Totally converted! And not a few! Is the New Birth a miracle or a mere profession of faith? Will there not be many in the day of judgment who will hear Him say I never knew you? And why will He say that to them? Is it not because they are mere professors and not possessors of that life changing miracle? Lord, help me to have a part in helping many realize this life transforming change!
To serve the Lord faithfully! Saved to serve? Called to be a servant of His? How can it be that I have been called to serve in His royal court and at His behest? Me, a poor wretched waif, servant to the King of Glory? Commissioned to be an under- shepherd to and care-taker for a few of His redeemed ones in this remote corner of His domain? And with such a small measure of ability and still less faith? Thankfully Lord, Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, gratefully therefore, I will serve Thee!
To successfully finish my course! Lord, sometimes I get tired and weary, not of the way, because your way is the best way and will some day bring me Home; but in the way; because the way is not always easy. I confess to You my weakness and my weariness and admit to You that sometimes I just want to sit and rest a while from the journey. Rest I must! But, help me bestir myself to the remaining journey and continue on until I reach the goal, my home, that which I long for, my final resting place!